The One Piece anime takes a break from the adventures of the Straw Hats to talk about the story of the Wano hero, the legendary Kozuki Oden.

The Nine Red Scabbards were Wano’s most powerful samurai who served under Oden as his retainers.

Oden’s relationship with his first subject, Kin’emon.

After receiving his father’s rejection, Oden leavesĀ  and Kin’emon tearfully tells Tsuru that he will die because of Oden.

One Piece episode 961 reveals how Oden met his nine Red Scabbards, the beginning of a legend in Wano country

After Oden was expelled from the capital, he began traveling around the country of Wano.

The other Nine Red Baos started out with more negative, even monstrous, reputations.

One Piece episode 961 reveals how Oden met his nine Red Scabbards, the beginning of a legend in Wano country

As usual in One Piece, Oden is building his own team of retainers.